Councils & Committees

Committee Chairs

Committee/Council Chair (Board Member) Sponsor
Advocacy Committee Reese Ryzewski Past President
Awards/Scholarship Committee Steve Imel President-Elect
Communications Committee Lizz Ulrich President
Conference/Events Committee Maria Rarey Past President
Dance Council open President
Finance Committee Carole Dehaven Past President
Fitness/Sports Recreation Council Aaron Book President-Elect
Grants Committee Austin Sheckles Past President
Health Education Council Melanie Busch President
Higher Education Council Andrea McMurtry President-Elect
Joint Projects Committee Meg Hite Past President
Membership Committee President
PE: Adapted Council Mandy Stout President
PE: Elementary Council Ryan Macy President
PE: High School Council Nico Tigulis President
PE: Middle School Council Rachelle Burkhead President-Elect
Technology Council open President

Young Professionals Council-President

Young Professionals Council- Advisor


Chris Rash

last updated: 3/28/2023

Advocacy Committee

Advocacy Committee


INSHAPE Members Meeting with Senator Mike Braun

Committee Mission

Empower members to be advocates of quality health and physical education in their schools and communities.



Resources Operating Codes


Committee Members

Name Twitter Handle Organization Role
Ryzewski, Reese @emery_ryzewski Highland High School (4281) Chair
Carl, Lindsay @lncarl Herron High School Member
Machemer, Hilary @hmachemer Carmel Middle School (2511) Member
Greathouse, Lisa @scrschoolhealth IU Health Bloomington Hospital Associate
Staup, Tyler @mrstaupspe Lincoln Elementary School (2744) Associate
Lonneman, Brian @aollonneman Dixie Bee Elementary School (8511) Associate
Brooks, Cassie @brooks01cl Brownsburg West Middle School Associate
DeHaven, Carole @caroledehaven Purdue University Sponsor
For more information, contact:     Reese Ryzewski Last update: 2/20/2023
Sponsor: Past President

Awards Committee

Awards Committee


The Awards/Scholarship committee is responsible for recognizing important contributions, achievements, and potential.



  1. Maintain a robust and relevant array of recognition opportunities representing the contributions of its members.
  2. Identify multiple candidates for each award/scholarship.
  3. Support candidates through the application process.
  4. Select qualified recipients for each award/scholarship.
  5. Provide opportunities to recognize recipients of association awards and scholarships.


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Awards   Scholarships  Committee Operating Codes


Committee Members

Name Twitter Handle Organization Role
Stephen D. Imel II Chair
Cassie Brooks Brownsburg West Middle School
Carole DeHaven Purdue University
Lee, Myung-Ah @myungahlee777 Indiana State University Member
For more information, contact:  Stephen D. Imel II Last updated: 3/28/2023
Sponsor: President-Elect

Technology Council

Technology Council



The Council is responsible for the ongoing professional development of members who use technology in health and physical education.



Determine the top needs of professionals in the Council’s area of expertise.



Resources Operating Codes


Committee Members


Name (Tech Ambassador) Twitter Handle Organization Role
Clegg, Bethany  @clegg_pe Burris Laboratory School (1441) Chair
Serra, Kristi @phys_ed_teacher Klondike Elementary School (8042) Member
Cobbs, Kristy @ Cedar Canyon Elementary School (0095) Associate
Rarey, Maria @MariaRarey DeKalb High School (1345) Associate
Lion, Margaret @mmlion Indiana University-Bloomington Member
Carl, Lindsay @lncarl Herron High School Associate
Ryan Surguy Parker and Wilbur Wright Elementary Schools Member
Elijah Scisney @EjScisney Robey Elementary School Member

For more information, contact:   Clegg, Bethany

Sponsor: President

Last Updated: 2/20/2023

PE: High School Council

PE: High School Council



INSHAPE’s High School council visions a state where all children are prepared to lead healthy, physically active lives.



INSHAPE’s High School council represents the interest and needs of physical educators teaching in Indiana high schools. The mission is to advance professional practice and promote health and physical education, physical activity, fitness, dance, aquatics, and sport.



  1. Support membership growth/retention objectives by maintaining an engaged council.
  2. Become the primary source for review/updates to the Indiana state standards for high school physical education.
  3. Be the stimulus for creating and securing secondary physical education proposals for sessions for the annual conference.
  4. To promote best practices for teaching aquatics in secondary physical education with a webinar (also taking COVID practices into consideration).
  5. Increase the number of Aquatic teachers on the Council.



Resources Operating Codes


Committee Members

Name Twitter Handle Organization Role
Ryzewski, Reese @RyzewskiP Highland High School (4281) Associate
Walters, Donita @ Northwestern Senior High School (2897) Member
Rarey, Maria @MariaRarey DeKalb High School (1345) Associate
Carl, Lindsay @lncarl Herron High School Associate
DeHaven, Carole @caroledehaven Purdue University Associate
Schultheiss, Patrick @tlswimdive Wea Ridge Elementary School (8021) Member
For more information, contact:     Reese Ryzewski Last Updated: 2/20/2023
Sponsor: President

PE: Middle School Council

PE: Middle School Council



INSHAPE’s Middle School council visions a state where all children are prepared to lead healthy, physically active lives.



INSHAPE’s Middle School council represents the interest and needs of physical educators teaching in Indiana middle schools. The mission is to advance professional practice and promote health and physical education, physical activity, fitness, dance, and sport.



  1. Support membership growth/retention objectives by maintaining an engaged council representing all nine Indiana districts.
  2. Become the primary source for review/updates to the Indiana state standards for middle school physical education.



Resources Operating Codes

Committee Members

Name Twitter Handle Organization Role
Burkhead, Rachelle Connersville Middle School (1895) Chair
Tigulis, Nico @nttigulis Heritage High School Member
For more information, contact:     Rachelle Burkhead last updated: 2/20/2023
Sponsor: President-Elect

PE: Elementary School Council

Elementary Council



The Council is responsible for the ongoing professional development of members who are involved in physical education in elementary schools.


  1. Determine the top needs of professionals in the Council’s area of expertise.
  2. Develop an annual professional development plan.
  3. Plan programming for the state conference. Solicit presenters and ensure presentation proposals are submitted on time.
  4. Plan and implement professional development opportunities outside of the state conference as appropriate.
  5. Contribute articles for publication in Association communications.
  6. Maintain a current and robust set of professional development resources on the Council’s dedicated page on the Association’s web site.
  7. Nominate a slate of award candidates in the Council’s area of expertise.



Resources Operating Codes


Committee Members

Name Twitter Handle Organization Role (term ends)
Crawn, Molly @@molly_crawn33 Lost Creek Elementary School (8549) Chair (Current)
Tennessen, Daniel @bigtennphysed
Bornino, Andrea @ab_nino Glen Acres Elementary School (8091) Member (Current)
Dow, Kathryn @dow_physed Hamilton Heights Elementary School (2478) Member (Current)
Macy, Ryan @inpemacy Greenwood Northeast Elementary Sch (3477) Member (Current)
Stout, Mandy @hes_physed Haverhill Elementary School (0068) Associate (Current)
Yoder, Kyle @dcscelempe North Elementary School (2721) Associate (Current)
Ryle, Luke Hinkle Creek Elementary School Chair
Bartolacci, Andrew George Julian School 57- IPS Schools
Crawn, Aaron
Brown, Amy Noble Crossing Elementary
For more information, contact:     Molly Crawn last updated: 2/20/2023
Sponsor: President

PE: Adapted Council

PE: Adapted Council



The Council is responsible for the ongoing professional development of members who are involved in adapted physical education.


  1. Determine the top needs of professionals in the Council’s area of expertise.
  2. Develop an annual professional development plan.
  3. Plan programming for the state conference. Solicit presenters and ensure presentation proposals are submitted on time.
  4. Plan and implement professional development opportunities outside of the state conference as appropriate.
  5. Contribute articles for publication in Association communications.
  6. Maintain a current and robust set of professional development resources on the Council’s dedicated page on the Association’s web site.
  7. Nominate a slate of award candidates in the Council’s area of expertise.



Resources Operating Codes


Committee Members

Name Twitter Handle Organization Role
Stout, Mandy @hes_physed Haverhill Elementary School (0068) Chair
Tigulis, Nico @nttigulis Heritage High School Member
Hazelett, Donna @dohaze Woodside Middle School (0067) Member
Clegg, Bethany @clegg_pe Burris Laboratory School (1441) Member
Amy Oliver IUPUI Member
For more information, contact:     Mandy Stout Last Updated: 8/21/2023
Sponsor: President

Membership Committee

Membership Committee



The Membership Committee is responsible for the oversight of membership strategies and implementation.


  1. Establish annual membership goals for the association.
  2. Annually review membership categories and prices. Recommend changes to membership categories and prices as necessary for approval by the Board of Directors.
  3. Oversee the creation and execution of membership campaigns to retain and grow membership.


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Committee Operating Codes


Committee Members

Name Twitter Handle Organization Role (membership)
For more information, contact:     Lizz Ulrich Last updated: 2/20/2023
Sponsor: President

Joint Projects Committee

Joint Projects Committee



The Committee is responsible for the ongoing educational/fundraising programs.


  1. Review and update joint project policies, procedures, and initiatives.
  2. Develop the association’s fundraising annual plan.
  3. Identify and implement programs with partners to promote each group’s educational/fitness efforts.
  4. Conduct or facilitate information/training sessions for prospective event coordinators.


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Committee Operating Codes  Resources


Committee Members

Name Twitter Handle Organization Role
Hite, Meg Hamilton Heights Elementary School (2478) Chair
Bornino, Andrea @ab_nino Glen Acres Elementary School (8091) Associate
For more information, contact:     Meg Hite Last updated: 2/20/2023
Sponsor: Past President

Higher Education Committee

Higher Education Committee


The Higher Education Committee is responsible for representing the interests, programs, and missions of Indiana’s higher education institutions to the Association.

  1. Represents the interests and priorities of all Indiana institutions of higher education.
  2. Creates opportunities for association members of higher education to network and collaborate.
  3. Provides information on association related programs at each Indiana institution of higher education.



  1. Maintain a robust council with representation from all Indiana colleges and universities with INSHAPE related degree programs.
  2. Curate and maintain a directory of all INSHAPE related degree programs to be used by high school career advisors, college-bound students, K-12 administrators, and INSHAPE members.
  3. Engage pre-service teachers and related college students in the benefits of INSHAPE membership towards the goal of membership continuity after graduation.
  4. Provide programs, resources, and mentorship for recent graduates to increase teacher retention.


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Committee Operating Codes Committee Resources

Committee Members

Name Twitter Handle Organization Role
Huntoon, Ann @amtoonie Indiana University-Bloomington Member
For more information, contact:     Cassie Brooks Last updated: 2/20/2023
Sponsor: President-Elect

Health Education Council

Health Education Council


The Council is responsible for the ongoing professional development of members who are involved in health education.


  1. Determine the top needs of professionals in the Council’s area of expertise.
  2. Develop an annual professional development plan.
  3. Plan programming for the state conference. Solicit presenters and ensure presentation proposals are submitted on time.
  4. Plan and implement professional development opportunities outside of the state conference as appropriate.
  5. Contribute articles for publication in Association communications.
  6. Maintain a current and robust set of professional development resources on the Council’s dedicated page on the Association’s web site.
  7. Nominate a slate of award candidates in the Council’s area of expertise.



Resources Operating Codes


Committee Members

Name Twitter Handle Organization Role
Busch, Melanie North Side High School (0101) Chair
Sonsini, Tony @tson622 Richmond High School (8993) Member
Rarey, Maria @MariaRarey DeKalb High School (1345) Associate
Brooks, Cassie @brooks01cl Brownsburg West Middle School (2713) Associate
Carl, Lindsay @lncarl Franklin Central High School Associate
Berju, Jennifer @mrsb_wellness Creekside Middle School (2520) Member
DeHaven, Gary Retired Associate
Stento, Kim @kstento Chesterton Middle School (6930) Associate
Bach, Svea @fuelupsouthport Southport Middle School (5315)
Crowe, Elizabeth Creekside Middle SChool (2520)
Ginder, James @j_ginder Hamilton County Health Dept
Hemmerich, Sarah Kokomo High School (3013)
Richter, Haley Fall Creek Junior High (2486-)
For more information, contact:     Melanie Busch Last updated: 2/20/2023
Sponsor: President

Grants Committee

Grants Committee


The Grants Committee is responsible for the evaluation and selection of grant proposals as well as the on-going evaluation and reporting of funded grant projects.



  1. Establish and regularly review the association’s grant programs.
  2. Promote the availability, requirements and application process for grants to the association membership.
  3. Award grants based on established criteria.
  4. Monitor and report on grant results.

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Committee Operating Codes Resources


Committee Members

Name Twitter Handle Organization Role
Austin Sheckles Chair
JM Verbich Chesterton School Corporation Associate
A. Bornino Klondike Elementary School Associate
L. Greathouse Associate
For more information, contact: Austin Sheckles  Last updated: 4/26/2024
Sponsor: Past President

Young Professionals

Young Professionals


The Council of Young Professionals determine, plan, and implement programs to foster professional development for all student members.


  1. Serve as the voice for student members to the INSHAPE Board of Directors.
  2. Develop an annual plan of association programs to address the specific needs of student members.
  3. Encourage post-graduate membership.
  4. Plan student specific programming for the state conference and leadership conference.

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Committee Operating Codes Resources


Committee Members

Name Twitter Handle Organization Role
Rash, Chris Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis Advisor
For more information, contact:     Chris Rash Updated: 3/28/2023
Sponsor: President-Elect

Fitness/Sports Council

Fitness/Sports Council


INSHAPE’s Fitness/Sports/Recreation council visions a state where all children are prepared to lead healthy, physically active lives.



Our primary mission is provide high quality education of safe and modern fitness and sport programs.




Resources  Operating Codes


Committee Members

Name Twitter Handle Organization Role
Book, Aaron Tindley Genesis Academy Chair
Yoder, Kyle Danville North Elementary Member
Hermanson, Kylie Central Noble High School Member
Hart, Kelli Riverside Jr High Member
Jacobs, Sammy Phalen Academy Member
For more information, contact:   Aaron Book Last updated: 2/20/2023
Sponsor: President-Elect

Dance Council

Dance Council


The Council is responsible for the ongoing professional development of members who are involved in dance programs and dance curriculum.



  1. Determine the top needs of professionals in the Council’s area of expertise.
  2. Develop an annual professional development plan.
  3. Plan programming for the state conference. Solicit presenters and ensure presentation proposals are submitted on time.
  4. Plan and implement professional development opportunities outside of the state conference as appropriate.
  5. Contribute articles for publication in Association communications.
  6. Maintain a current and robust set of professional development resources on the Council’s dedicated page on the Association’s web site.
  7. Nominate a slate of award candidates in the Council’s area of expertise.


Resources  Operating Codes

Committee Members

Name Twitter Handle Organization Role
Ryan, Lauren @laurryan_ Franklin College – Franklin, IN Chair
Haggard, LeAnn Retired Member
Crisler, Madison IUPUI Member
Sanders, Gary Retired Member
Swinford, Rachel @rock_e_top IUPUI Member
For more information, contact:     Lauren Ryan Last updated: 2/20/2023
Sponsor: President

Communications Committee

Communications Committee


The Communications Committee is responsible for the oversight of the development and execution of all communication plans.


  1. Establish annual communication goals for the association.
  2. Create and execute communications campaigns to retain and grow membership.
  3. Develop written marketing policies and procedures that have a positive impact on the Association.
  4. Manage the public relations and marketing initiatives of the Association.


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Committee Operating Codes

Committee Members

Name Twitter Handle Organization Role
Jackson, Alyssa @alyjaxn Eagle Elementary, Zionsville Chair
Staup, Tyler @mrstaupspe Lincoln Elementary School (2744)
For more information, contact:     Alyssa Jackson Last updated: 2/20/2023
Sponsor: President

Conference Committee

Conference Committee


The Conference Committee is responsible for planning and implementing all events including the annual state conference.


  1. Develop and manage a conference planning timeline.
  2. Ensure that an adequate number of quality proposals are submitted by spring deadline of each year.
  3. Establish the conference program on or before the end of the fiscal year.

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Committee Operating Codes


Committee Members

Name Twitter Handle Organization Role
Rarey, Maria @MariaRarey Dekalb Central High School Chair
Crawn, Molly @molly_crawn33 Lost Creek Elementary School (8549) Associate
Haggard, LeAnn North Central High School (5451) Member
Crisler, Keith McCutcheon High School Associate
Ulrich, Lizz East Tipp Middle School Associate
Lion, Margaret Associate
Yoder, Kyle Danville North Elementary Associate
Lisa, Ford Eagle Elementary School (0514) Associate
For more information, contact:     Maria Rarey Last updated: 2/20/2023
Sponsor: Past President