Frequently Asked Questions

What is INShape?

INSHAPE-Indiana Society for Health and Physical Educators.

How often do you meet?

Meetings-Executive Board meets monthly and INSHAPE Board meeting 6 times per year.

How do I apply for a grant?

Grant application- I would copy this link and use this info. https://www.indianashape.org/grants.

Where are you located?

1271 W. 29th St. Indianapolis, IN 46208

How much does it cost to become a member?

Membership cost-this link is up to date with the costs for members.

o    https://www.indianashape.org/membership

o   Notice the four tiers in terms of Young Pros, Membership, Lifetime and Emeritus.

Are meetings online or in person?

Meetings are currently either online or in person.  Please view our calendar page for more information.

How are awards decided?

Awards-this page is currently up to date other than the new time lines for 2022 Awards. This is usually decided after November conference.  The content for nominations and application is correct as written. 

o   https://www.indianashape.org/awards

o   I will check with Lisa Ford and get these dates.

Are there different membership tiers?

Yes, please visit our Membership Portal for more information: Click Here