Legacy Award

Legacy Award

The Legacy Award provides the means through which INSHAPE recognizes an individual in the health, physical education, recreation, dance, sport, and/or allied professions who has given long and distinguished service. The award in not intended to overshadow the Honor Award, but recognize those persons who have left a legacy, a benchmark, or a standard in professional service, scholarship, and leadership.


Any INSHAPE professional who meets the eligibility requirements and exemplifies the criteria below may be nominated for this award.

  1. Current member in INSHAPE at the point of retirement.
  2. Given at least 25 years of service to the Association,
  3. Serves or has served in a health, physical education, recreation, dance, sport, or allied career,
  4. Made a distinguished contribution to the Association (Program Director, Committee, Conference, Programs), and
  5. Awarded near the end of a career or in retirement.


Award Criteria

The nominee must be an individual who:

  1. Has made important contributions to health, physical education, recreation, dance, sport, and/or allied professions, and
  2. Continues to contribute to the profession in significant ways over the course of his/her entire career.


Nominations must be submitted to the Awards Chair by the awards deadline.

Nominator provides a biographical sketch outlining the contributions of the nominee and how those contributions are deserving of recognition. This will likely require collaboration with the nominee for accuracy.


Selection and Recognition Process

  1. The Awards Committee will select one award recipient from the pool of qualified applicants.
  2. Applicants will be notified by early Fall.
  3. The award will be presented at the State Conference in November.


Previous Award Recipients

2023 Carole DeHaven

2021  Ed Shilling

2020  Keith Buetow

2019  Kim Duchane

2018 LeAnn Haggard

2017 Becky Hull

2016 Jennifer Jones

2015 Jane Davis-Brezette

2014 Tom Sawyer

2013 Bobbi Lautzenheiser

2012 Karen Hatch and Cathy Huntsinger

2011 Mary Jo McClelland and Jan Miller

2010 Paul Nicholas Kellum

2009 Lana Groombridge

2008 Pat Zezula

2007 Barbara Greenburg

2006 Vernon Houchins

2004 Sally Dill

2004 Sue Barrett

2004 Nikki Assmann

2003 Adelaide Cole

2003 Nancy Linson

2002 Harry Moser

2002 Joanne Price

2001 Romona Holsinger

2001 Mildred Lemen

2001 John Reno

2000 Anthony Annarino

1999 Dolores Wilson