I. Description
The Conference Director is an appointed voting member of the Board of Directors.
II. Oversight
The Past President shall oversee the Conference Director.
III. Term
Length: The term of office is up to two years commencing on the day after the annual conference held in odd numbered years.
Limit: The Conference Director may not serve more than two consecutive terms.
IV. Reports
The Conference Director shall submit a conference summary report to the Secretary within 30 days of the conference.
V. Succession
The Conference Director shall meet with his/her successor as soon as possible and as often as necessary for the new Conference Director to certify that all pertinent committee information has been transferred and any necessary training/consultation has occurred to ensure the new Conference Director can successfully assume responsibilities on the first day of office.
VI. Responsibilities
- Recruit and manage a conference committee as necessary to distribute the effort to execute a successful conference.
- Serve on the Board of Directors. Attend Executive Committee Meetings as requested by the Past President.
- Support the conference duties of the Past President, President-Elect, and President.
- Develop and manage a conference planning timeline.
- Ensure that an adequate number of quality proposals are submitted by spring deadline of each year. Establish the conference program on or before the end of the fiscal year.
- Assign conference program times and spaces accordingly. Send notification on time, location, and date to presenters.
- Assign session hosts for each session.
- Make all necessary venue arrangements for all conference sessions.
- Develop an audiovisual plan for all state conferrence events. Coordinate and secure audiovisual equipment.
- Develop a signage plan for the state conference. Arrange for all signs to be created.
- Submit detailed conference information to the necessary members and committees for use in marketing materials, conference program, app, etc.
- Create an exhibition plan attractive to potential exhibitors and partners.
- Secure exhibitors to maximize revenue to the Association.
- Make arrangements for exhibitor areas including draping, tables, chairs, and other exhibitor needs. Provide assistance to exhibitors.
- Administer a survey to the exhibitors to conduct a comprehensive review of the Association’s exhibiting/sponsoring program to determine its strengths and areas needing improvement.
- Send notes of appreciation to participating exhibitors at state conference.
- Submit a detailed conference summary, evaluation, and recommendations to the Secretary within one month of state conference.
- Perform duties as requested by the Past President.
VII. Conference Committee:
- Conference Director
- Advisor
- Audio/Visual**
- Awards
- Court Surfaces
- Deliverables*
- General Sessions
- Hosts
- Meals*
- Mobile App / PGPs
- Partner Showcase (Expo)
- Registration**
- Signage*
- Sponsorships*
- Track Chairs
- Volunteers
Revised, December 2017.