Operating Codes – Conference Director

I. Description

The Conference Director is an appointed voting member of the Board of Directors.

II. Oversight

The Past President shall oversee the Conference Director.

III. Term

Length: The term of office is up to two years commencing on the day after the annual conference held in odd numbered years.
Limit: The Conference Director may not serve more than two consecutive terms.

IV. Reports

The Conference Director shall submit a conference summary report to the Secretary within 30 days of the conference.

V. Succession

The Conference Director shall meet with his/her successor as soon as possible and as often as necessary for the new Conference Director to certify that all pertinent committee information has been transferred and any necessary training/consultation has occurred to ensure the new Conference Director can successfully assume responsibilities on the first day of office.

VI. Responsibilities

  1. Recruit and manage a conference committee as necessary to distribute the effort to execute a successful conference.
  2. Serve on the Board of Directors. Attend Executive Committee Meetings as requested by the Past President.
  3. Support the conference duties of the Past President, President-Elect, and President.
  4. Develop and manage a conference planning timeline.
  5. Ensure that an adequate number of quality proposals are submitted by spring deadline of each year. Establish the conference program on or before the end of the fiscal year.
  6. Assign conference program times and spaces accordingly. Send notification on time, location, and date to presenters.
  7. Assign session hosts for each session.
  8. Make all necessary venue arrangements for all conference sessions.
  9. Develop an audiovisual plan for all state conferrence events. Coordinate and secure audiovisual equipment.
  10. Develop a signage plan for the state conference. Arrange for all signs to be created.
  11. Submit detailed conference information to the necessary members and committees for use in marketing materials, conference program, app, etc.
  12. Create an exhibition plan attractive to potential exhibitors and partners.
  13. Secure exhibitors to maximize revenue to the Association.
  14. Make arrangements for exhibitor areas including draping, tables, chairs, and other exhibitor needs. Provide assistance to exhibitors.
  15. Administer a survey to the exhibitors to conduct a comprehensive review of the Association’s exhibiting/sponsoring program to determine its strengths and areas needing improvement.
  16. Send notes of appreciation to participating exhibitors at state conference.
  17. Submit a detailed conference summary, evaluation, and recommendations to the Secretary within one month of state conference.
  18. Perform duties as requested by the Past President.

VII. Conference Committee:

  • Conference Director
  • Advisor
  • Audio/Visual**
  • Awards
  • Court Surfaces
  • Deliverables*
  • General Sessions
  • Hosts
  • Meals*
  • Mobile App / PGPs
  • Partner Showcase (Expo)
  • Registration**
  • Signage*
  • Sponsorships*
  • Track Chairs
  • Volunteers

Revised, December 2017.