Operating Codes – Higher Education Committee

I. Description

The Higher Education Committee is a standing committee of the Association. The Higher Education Committee is responsible for representing the interests, programs, and missions of Indiana’s higher education institutions to the Association.

II. Oversight

The President-Elect shall oversee the committee.

III. Structure

The Committee consists of a Chair, General Members representing each Indiana college/university with INSHAPE related degree programs, the Young Professionals Advisor, and the Sponsor (Association President-Elect). A person may only be a General Member of one committee/council at a time but may serve as an Associate member on multiple committees/councils.

IV. Committee Chair

The Committee Chair shall be chosen by vote of the Executive Committee from nominees submitted by the President-Elect. The Committee Chair serves as an ex officio, voting member of the Board of Directors.

V. Term

Length: The term of office for the council chair is determined by the ByLaws. General members may remain on the council for as long as they represent their respective institution and maintain current INSHAPE membership.
Expiration: Each year, the term of Committee General Members shall be reviewed by the council chair. The council chair may appoint new representatives as needed.
Limit: The Committee Chair may not serve more than two consecutive terms or as determined by the ByLaws. Active General Members may remain on the Committee indefinitely.

VI. Reports

The Committee Chair shall submit an annual report to the President-Elect by September 1. The Committee Chair shall also submit updates to the Secretary as requested throughout the year.

VII. Succession

The Committee Chair shall meet with his/her successor as soon as possible and as often as necessary for the new Committee Chair to certify that all pertinent committee information has been transferred and any necessary training/consultation has occurred to ensure the new Committee Chair can successfully assume responsibilities on the first day of office.

VIII. Responsibilities

  1. Attend all required Association meetings.
  2. Identify Indiana institutions of higher education offering programs related to the purposes of the Association.
  3. Create and maintain a list of pertinent degrees from each Indiana institution of higher education.
  4. Maintain a current database of all faculty members from each Indiana institution of higher education. Submit information to the Membership VP.
  5. Identify and recruit at least one member from each Indiana institution of higher education to serve on the committee.
  6. Support the efforts of the Young Professionals Faculty Advisor.
  7. The committee shall submit an annual recommendation on higher education priorities for the Association’s Board of Directors. These recommendations will be used to guide the Association’s programs and priorities.
  8. The committee shall organize and host opportunities for all higher education members to network.
  9. Perform duties as requested by the President-Elect.
  10. The Chair shall convene the committee in-person and/or electronically as necessary.

Last revision 09/13/19.