Technology Council

Technology Council



The Council is responsible for the ongoing professional development of members who use technology in health and physical education.



Determine the top needs of professionals in the Council’s area of expertise.



Resources Operating Codes


Committee Members


Name (Tech Ambassador) Twitter Handle Organization Role
Serra, Kristi* @phys_ed_teacher Klondike Elementary School (8042) Member
Cobbs, Kristy @ Cedar Canyon Elementary School (0095) Associate
Rarey, Maria @MariaRarey DeKalb High School (1345) Associate
Lion, Margaret @mmlion Indiana University-Bloomington Member
Carl, Lindsay @lncarl Herron High School Associate
Clegg, Bethany @clegg_pe Burris Laboratory School (1441) Chair
Ryan Surguy Parker and Wilbur Wright Elementary Schools Member
Elijah Scisney @EjScisney Robey Elementary School Member

For more information, contact:     Kristi Serra