
INSHAPE Calendar of EVENTS 2025

(Meetings in Eastern Time Zone) 

January/February electronic communications; no synchronous full Board meetings unless necessary. Consultant recommendations could change February/March meetings.

(Feb 24-26 Tom to SHAPE America Leadership Development Conference/Speak Out in DC)

  • Thursday February 27, 7:30 pm Eastern EXEC Board Zoom *if needed*

Saturday March (8?) TBA Zoom Leadership Meeting for anyone continuing board involvement 

(April 1-5 SHAPE Baltimore)

  • Thursday May 8, 7:30 pm Eastern EXEC Board Zoom– preliminary budget review

Thursday May 15, 7:30 pm Eastern full Board Zoom meeting to approve budget

  • Thursday June 5, 7:30 pm Eastern EXEC Board Zoom

Saturday June 7, 8:30-11 am Eastern full Board in-person meeting to go over proposals

(June 11-13 Tom, Cassie, Maria to Society of Association Managers Conference)

(Saturday June 21 *target date* for regional workshop potentially in Bloomington area)

(June 25-27 Kentucky SHAPE Conference)

  • Thursday August 7, 7:30 pm Eastern EXEC Board Zoom

Saturday August 9, 8:30-11 am Eastern full Board Zoom 

  • Thursday October 16, 7:30 pm Eastern EXEC Board Zoom

Thursday October 23, 7:30 pm Eastern full Board Zoom Preconference

November 6-7 in person Annual Conference

  •  Thursday December 4, 7:30 pm Eastern EXEC Board Zoom *if needed*

Saturday December 6, 8:30-11 am Eastern full Board Zoom

Please contact the president if you have business you wish to include in an executive or full board meeting. All members are welcome at board meetings.

Any Chairs not able to attend a meeting in its entirety needs to communicate this in advance with president and secretary and arrange a proxy to submit votes. You also need to review the agenda to advise your proxy of business that will be conducted, and review meeting minutes as soon as they are available for any follow-up that may be required.

Options for proxy include Kyle Yoder, Lisa Ford, Lisa Greathouse , Hilary Machemer, Tammy Brant, Svea Bach, or a member of your council/committee.