Dance Council

Dance Council


The Council is responsible for the ongoing professional development of members who are involved in dance programs and dance curriculum.



  1. Determine the top needs of professionals in the Council’s area of expertise.
  2. Develop an annual professional development plan.
  3. Plan programming for the state conference. Solicit presenters and ensure presentation proposals are submitted on time.
  4. Plan and implement professional development opportunities outside of the state conference as appropriate.
  5. Contribute articles for publication in Association communications.
  6. Maintain a current and robust set of professional development resources on the Council’s dedicated page on the Association’s web site.
  7. Nominate a slate of award candidates in the Council’s area of expertise.


Resources  Operating Codes

Committee Members

Name Twitter Handle Organization Role
Ryan, Lauren @laurryan_ Franklin College – Franklin, IN Chair
Tennessen, Daniel @bigtennphysed Frederick Douglass School 19 (5674) Sponsor
Haggard, LeAnn Retired Member
McCullough, Teresa Indiana State University Member
Crisler, Madison IUPUI Member
Sanders, Gary Retired Member
Swinford, Rachel @rock_e_top IUPUI Member
For more information, contact:     Lauren Ryan Last updated: 7/18/22